

A Word About Extracted CAD Documents

The CAD file is the key to processing your order quickly and assuring your information will be accurate. This article will discuss why they are so important and how we use them to get you working product in as little as 1 day.

First off, CAD gives you the Gerber files. You would need to generate the Gerber’s, before sending them to OSDA. We use the Gerber files to order the raw PCB. If there are multiple boards on one panel, we also need a panelized file. This file would show the PCB manufacturer exactly how your boards look panelized.

Second, we need to see the PCB silk screen. For prototypes, this can act as an assembly drawing. It shows where all the parts are placed, the reference designators and usually polarity. Polarity can be tricky, because finding pin 1 often needs to be identified off of a manufacturer’s specification sheet. The more time your designer spends defining the polarity, the quicker we can get you product. Polarity is usually the item that will hold up a job, or make the placement incorrect. It is worth the extra time to make sure we know how the part is to be placed.

Third, we need to get X-Y placement files. This is used to accurately set up our pick and place machines, our AOI (automated optical inspection) and finally our Selective Solder Machine. This file tells us what the parts are and where they go. Giving us these files allows us to load your files quickly and accurately into all our equipment.

A word about Extraction.
We need to get the X-Y files extracted, in order to use them. OSDA can supply you with the extraction instruction’s, specifically for your CAD System. If you haven’t done this before just let us know what CAD system you are using and we will send you instructions on how to do it.

OSDA uses the same process whether we are processing one PCB assembly or one thousand. This is the reason we always need these files. Doing this allows us to process even prototypes and approval assemblies, with the same process they will use in production, and then supply you with a manufacturability report to correct any items that do not meet industry standards.

Getting all these files with your order, will allow your order to be processed efficiently and correctly, meaning you get your product on time and in working condition.